About us
About us
MSU Energy is a young and dynamic company that is part of the MSU Group. We are in constant motion powered by 160 years of experience doing business in Argentina.
MSU Group begins to explore the energy sector analyzing the production of corn-based ethanol
Considers the acquisition of a distributed energy company
Together with General Electric began evaluating technological solutions including turbines
Installs a wind-farm monitoring station at Bahía Blanca to start analyzing renewable generation.
Call for Resolution 21 public tender to add thermal capacity. MSU Energy presented 4 projects and got awarded 3: General Rojo, Barker and Villa Maria plants, each with 150MW.
Call for Renovar round 1 public tender to add renewable capacity. We presented a wind project that was not awarded.
Full turn-key EPC contract signed with General Electric for the construction of the 3 power plants awarded under Resolution 21
Construction begins at the General Rojo Power Plant
Construction begins at the Barker and the Villa Maria Power Plants
Inauguration of the General Rojo Simple cycle plant
Call for Resolution 287 public tender to add capacity to existing simple cycle plants or for co-generation projects
Award of all the submitted projects regarding the conversion of the existing plants.
Inauguration of the Barker simple cycle plant
Inauguration of the Villa Maria simple cycle power plant
International issuance of debut bond for USD 600 MM
Full turn-key EPC contract signed with AESA (YPF) and GE as main subcontractor for the expansion and conversion project. Construction begins
Phase I of the expansion project completed with the addition of a fourth gas turbine at each power plant
International bond issuance for USD250.3MM. Cancelation of private note.
Combined cycle conversion completed in all 3 plants

Manuel Santos de Uribelarrea
Co-Founder and Chairman of MSU Energy S.A., Chairman and CEO of Juamarita S.A., and Co-Founder and Vice Chairman of MSU Agro.
He was pioneer and played a leading role in important technological changes in the agricultural industry in Argentina, such as direct sowing, new developments related to germplasm and biotechnology, transgenic seeds and precision agriculture, including the use of state-of-the-art equipment, among others.
He is an active member of the CREA Santa Isabel Group.
Together with his son, Manuel Santos Uribelarrea Jr., in 2000 he created MSU, one of the leading agribusiness companies in Argentina, with a total portfolio of more than 130,000 hectares, a production of over 700,000 tons of grains in Argentina, and operations in Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil.
In 2008, he was granted the Konex Award to Rural Businessmen.
In 2015, he entered the power generation industry with MSU Energy.
In 2018, he has granted the Clarìn Rural Award as an outstanding achiever in agribusiness.
He studied agronomy at the Argentine Catholic University, and attended the Advanced Management Program – PAD- at the IAE Business School.

Guillermo Marseillan
Vice Chairman
He is the Executive Director of MSU Group, Co-Founder and current Vice Chairman of MSU Energy, member of the Board of MSU Agro and other companies of the Group. Since inception, he had a relevant role in the development and design of the financial structure of the energy company, as well as the management and execution of the holding’s M&A projects.
Between 2006 and 2013, he was member of the Board and General Manager of MSU Agro, with active participation in the launch of Santa Juana Ltd., a USD 500 million Farmland Fund.
During 2013 and 2014, as Strategy Director of Kumagro S.A. and Kumagro Sementes do Brasil Ltda he carried out the restructuring of the company and the incorporation of a new shareholder, both companies owned by GDM Seeds -Don Mario Group-, one of the world leaders in soybean genetics.
Between 1996 and 2006, he was Silo Elevators Network Manager of Glencore Cereales S.A. in Argentina.
Guillermo studied Agricultural Production Engineering at Universidad Católica Argentina and completed Postgraduate Business Programs at Universidad de Belgrano and Universidad de Palermo.

Pablo Ferrero
Executive Director
He was Director, Chairman and CEO of several utilities both in Argentina and in the region, such as Metrogas, Petrobras Energía, Pampa Energía, Edesur, Refinor, Oldelval, Termap, Chilquinta (Chile), Luz del Sur (Perú), Promigas (Colombia) and Petrolera Andina (Bolivia), TGS, Transener, Emdersa, Eden, AEI-Ashmore Energy and Pérez Companc S.A. At present, he is also Director of Sempra Energy.
He graduated as Industrial Engineer from the Argentine Catholic University, and got an MBA from the University of Washington.

Jorge Martín Agnoletti
He is Director of MSU Energy. Since 2003, he has been Director of other companies of the MSU Group.
Between 2001 and 2003, he was CFO of Interbaires S.A. and Integralco S.A., both of the Exxel Group. He was also Senior Manager of PriceWaterhouseCoopers.
He graduated as Public Accountant from the University of Buenos Aires, and completed graduate programs at the IAE Business School.
We have a diversified and expert management team, with extensive experience in the energy industry and in the financial world. Know‑how, initiative, quick response capability and the best corporate governance practices.
The company stands out in the Argentine market for the professional quality of the management and operations staff.